Unmatched Transparency
Complete transparency is so far unheard of in the wealth management industry, but we wear this badge proudly.
Because IME was born out of a desire to do things differently, one of our core differentiators is an unmatched level of ethics & transparency. This is not just an empty or generic promise; the entire organisation has been developed in a manner that keeps our clients interest first.
The IME RMS (Research Management Solution)
The IME RMS (Research Management Solution) is a cloud-based proprietary technology, that is used to document the insights of our non-sales incentivised central research team and make these insights directly accessible to end investors.
Every stake-holder (every employee, every customer, every partner) reads the identical perspectives on investment options, a level of transparency that is unmatched in the industry. Our RMS tool enforces ethics and transparency at an organisational level and this has a trickle down effect to all areas of our firm and our communication.
A Boutique Firm With 100% Founder Ownership
IME is wholly owned by its founder (we have no external shareholders).
This frees us from the kind of pressures that prompts organisations and therefore relationship managers to often push inferior or unsuitable products to investors.
Because we do not have conventional quarterly or annual sales targets, we can remain focussed on long term wealth creation for the client.
Transparency Reinforced
A significant way in which we reinforce our commitment towards honesty is by taking our knowledge & insights and sharing them publicly on IME ACADEMY.
Knowledge is power and we want to empower our investors with information so together we can make better choices based on your requirements.
We believe that investors and their fund managers need to work together towards common goals hence we encourage investors to do short courses which are available for free on IME Academy.
These range from foundational courses like “All you need to know about Financial planning” to more advanced ones like “Investment Rationale for Indian Equities”.
Financial calculators so far focus on common calculations – financial goal requirements, investment requirements etc.
While we have retained some of the routine financial calculators, we have also developed a number of unique calculators that are designed with one primary goal: to make it easy for you to understand important nuances in investment concepts, that can make a substantial difference in your wealth creation.
Access our Investment Calculators here.
Unique Investment Calculators