
Turtle Wealth Wealth Mantra

Scheme Rating

IME Scheme Rating

The Scheme does not meet our selection criteria at this time

Not under coverage: This scheme is currently not under our coverage universe.

IME Strategy Rating

PMS Scheme Ratings are driven by IME’s Proprietary Scheme Rating Methodology, which takes into account our ratings of the Scheme’s investment strategy, its maturity, the investment team, and our separate rating on the AMC that runs this particular scheme. Our views on each of these individual criteria are available via the IME RMS – which you can view by reaching out to one of our relationship managers (using either the live chat or book appointment feature on this site).

IME View on Turtle Wealth Wealth Mantra

Type: Flexi Cap | Concentrated | AUM (194 cr) | Inc Date (30 Sep 2019)

Turtle Wealth 212 Wealth Mantra- Investment Strategy

Turtle Wealth 212 Wealth Mantra is a multi-cap strategy. Invests in 15 stocks with a mix of growth and compounders. Stock selected based on PPP formula (Price, profits, and people) with a maximum downside limiting to 18% of the invested value in the basis of: 

  • Horizontal Growth
  • Moat in Business
  • High on Corporate Governance 
  • Lowest to 0 Debt/Equity 
  • Least possibility of Disruption 
  • High Entry Barriers in Business
  • Consistent Track Record 
  • Growth Potential 

Trailing Performance

1yr 3yr 5yr Since Inception
Turtle Wealth Wealth Mantra 48.8 18.9 20.9 20.9
S&P BSE 500 TRI 41.1 18.4 22.4 22.2
Alpha over Broad Mkt BM 7.7 0.5 -1.5 -1.3
Nifty 500 40.2 17.2 21
Alpha over Category BM 8.6 1.7 -0.1

Performance as of: 30-Sep-24 | Inception Date: 30-Sep-19

Fund Managers


AMC: Turtle Wealth PMS (click link for detailed AMC review)

Not under our coverage universe: Turtle Wealth PMS is currently not on our coverage list.

Turtle Wealth PMS does not meet our criteria for PMS AMC Selection at this time. Understand our AMC rating criteria at AMC Rating Criteria or contact us via the LiveChat to learn more.