
Alta Cura AI Absolute Return Fund AIF

Scheme Rating

IME Scheme Rating

4 of 5 stars

An attractive investment for those seeking market uncorrelated returns: While we are cognizant of the relatively young age of the strategy, we gain comfort from the strong pedigree of the investment team and the demonstrated performance using quant algorithms at Accuracap

IME Strategy Rating

4 of 5 stars

Strategy focused on market-neutral buckets: The strategy comprises 4 trading strategy buckets, all primarily focused on market-neutral trades that support absolute return generation. The aim is to earn equity-like returns, with no negative years and returns uncorrelated to the markets. The strong quant credentials of the founder Raman Nagpal, along with a proven algorithm at Accuracap that has been modified for more absolute return strategies, are clear positives for the strategy.

PMS Scheme Ratings are driven by IME’s Proprietary Scheme Rating Methodology, which takes into account our ratings of the Scheme’s investment strategy, its maturity, the investment team, and our separate rating on the AMC that runs this particular scheme. Our views on each of these individual criteria are available via the IME RMS – which you can view by reaching out to one of our relationship managers (using either the live chat or book appointment feature on this site).

IME View on Alta Cura AI Absolute Return Fund AIF

Type: Absolute LS | Absolute Return LS | AUM (1045 cr) | Inc Date (1 Nov 2021)

Strategy Aim

4 Investment Buckets

Liquid/Liquid-like investments

Invest in very low-risk debt investments (bank FDs, debt MFs, government securities). This generates a low-risk fixed income return AND can be used as margins for market-neutral strategies in C2,C3,C4 buckets that help boost returns. 

Market-neutral arbitrage-like strategies

Invest in market-neutral arbitrage-like option trading strategies (calendar spread, time decay, vol dispersions), to take advantage of pricing discrepancies of different options with the same underlying .

Long-short portfolio

Buy stocks that are expected to move up and sell stocks that are expected to move down (based on AI algorithm). The strategy may be executed via futures or options, based on the market outlook. The aim is to have low net exposures to the overall market. 

AI & ML based bi-directional strategies

AI model assigns an outlook to the market (positive, stable or negative). On the basis of this a hedged F&O trading strategy is executed, that delivers alpha in that market environment. 

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning based Algorithm

AI Backed GQVM Model (stock selection)

AI Algorithm, built on deep data science, ranks all companies in BSE-100 based on GQVM indicators (Growth, Quality, Valuation, Momentum). These rankings help construct both the long & short portfolios. 

AI Backed MVLM Model (market outlook)

AI Algorithm, that takes into account Momentum, Valuations & Market Liquidity (MVML) indicators to develop an outlook for the markets (positive, stable, negative). 

Trailing Performance

1yr 3yr 5yr Since Inception
Alta Cura AI Absolute Return Fund AIF 13.3 15.21

Performance as of: 31-Aug-24 | Inception Date: 01-Nov-21

Fund Managers

Sanjiv Syal | 3-star rated FM

Fund Manager | 38 yrs Experience | 3 yrs at current firm

Past Experience: ABL Financial Services (Founder)

A derivatives trader and serial Entrepreneur, Sanjiv has a diverse experience spanning 35 years. Besides managing his proprietary trading book, his other core competencies include Strategic planning, Fund Raising, Relationship building, Operational excellence, and Project management. He has vast operational and fund-raising experience in vario us sectors including in Financial services, Information Technology and Real Estate. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Honours from Shri Ram College of Commerce and is a qualified Chartered Accountant (1985).

Raman Nagpal | 4-star rated FM

Co-founder & CIO | 31 yrs Experience | 9 yrs at current firm

Past Experience: Morpria Alliance (Board of Directors), Adobe (Executive Director), AVP Technology (Founder)

Raman is a computer scientist, with a deep background in technology & finance. He has been responsible for developing several new technologies in the areas of adaptive learning engines, spurious drug detection systems and application of data analytics in stock markets. Prior to founding AccuraCap in 2015 along with Naresh Gupta, Raman worked along with him at Adobe as an Executive Director.

Fee Structure

Fee StructureFee
Fixed Fee Structure
Variable Fee Structures2% + 10% performance over 10% hurdle
Exit FeesNil


AMC: Alta Cura AIF (click link for detailed AMC review)

Highly recommended for investors looking for quant strategies that are risk adjusted via hedging: Alta Cura offers a highly differentiated absolute return focussed quant strategy. The strong pedigree of the investment team and the demonstrated performance using quant algorithms at Accuracap gives the AMC credibility despite being a relatively young AMC.

AMC Rating

4 of 5 stars

AMC Pedigree

3 of 5 stars

AMC Size

3 of 5 stars

Team Pedigree

5 of 5 stars

Inv Philosophy

5 of 5 stars


3 of 5 stars

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