
IME Capital

Research-First Investments Firm

Truly Personalised Advice

An analysis of your unique requirements that goes well beyond basic risk-profiling & goal-planning.

Direct Access to Central Insights

Via our proprietary Research Management Solution (no loss of insights due to RM-dependent communication)

The Best of Both Worlds

Boutique-firm DNA & Ethics, combined with Institutionalised Processes & Research Methodologies.

A shift in perspective

View investments from a Fund Managers lens (as compared to the traditional Wealth Managers Lens)

Truly Personalised Advice

Investment's tailor-made to your unique requirements

IME Research Management Solution (RMS)

A Direct Transfer of Insights from our Unbiased Central Research Team

Best of Both World's

Boutique-firm DNA/Ethics + Institutionalised Processes

Boutique-firm DNA & Ethics

Top-AMC led Institutionalised Processes

Wealth Management from a Fund Managers Lens

Focus on what is truly important for wealth creation

Connect with Us

Discover the value of investing via a research-first (vs. a sales-first) investments firm. 

Connect with us via an instant Appointment Booking, our Live Chat or WhatsApp us at +91 9632007774