
Equity Mutual Funds

About Equity Mutual Funds (MFs)

Equity MFs are mutual funds that invest primarily in listed equity stocks. They provide a convenient & low-cost way for investors to build a diversified equity portfolio (to take advantage of long-term growth of an economy and underlying businesses) managed by a professional fund manager. 

Equity Mutual Funds are one of the best investment options for long-term wealth creation

Before investing in Equity Mutual Funds, it is highly recommended that you spend a few minutes going through a few quick blog posts that take you through some essential foundations of how equity investing works:

The returns provided below are the average returns of the funds recommended by IME in each of the IME MF Categories. Clicking on the category link will provide you further details on the category, as well as the actual performance of the underlying recommended funds (whose average returns are depicted here)

Trailing Returns

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Annual Returns

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Equity MF Categories – Brief Description

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